As the professional manufacture, we would like to provide you Jennifer's Pu Leather Plastic Handle Large Jewelry Box with Mirror Display. And have gained the trust of customers in many countries at home and abroad due to their obvious advantages in terms of product quality and delivery time.
JENNIFER'S MFG.LTD.,HAIYAN is a large Pu Leather Plastic Handle Large Jewelry Box with Mirror Display manufacturer and has 15 years experience of making this kind of products in China. We use pretty better material to make the products which make the products with good quality. We have our own design team to design different styles of jewelry boxes, in line with the aesthetic requirements of the times. Now, we are looking to forward to becoming your long-term partner in China.
Size |
30.1*21.5*31.4cm |
Color |
Custom |
Material type |
Pu leather+wood board |
Usage |
Jewelry organization box |
Pu Leather Plastic Handle Large Jewelry Box with Mirror Display is made of PU leather and wood board to make the surface waterproof and moisture-proof. The interior is divided into multiple areas, designed like multiple drawers, which can be used to store different types of jewelry. In addition, there is a long mirror inside the box, which can make it more convenient for users to wear jewelry. The jewelry box looks very luxurious and exquisite overall.